zaterdag 29 maart 2008

Creative project

Denk vooral niet dat ik de enige creative persoon in ons huis ben. Raad maar eens aan welk project Tonie is begonnen. Als jouw gok goed is, stuur ik je een RAK! ;)

Just don't think that I'm the only creative person around. Guess what kind of project Tonie has started and if your guess is the right one I'll send you a RAK! ;)

vrijdag 28 maart 2008

this color BLUE is hard to resist

I made the stickers for the title myself with my dymo labelwriter!
Now I have to run and pick up the boys from school. Tonight we'll have our traditional Friday-evening dinner for 3: pizza ;)
Have a nice weekend!

donderdag 27 maart 2008

about a bad picture and the catwalk

I just found out that my layout FIND is in the catwalk of SIS. :) :) :) Lucy made my day!!

Nadat ik gisteren de nieuwe Creating Keepsakes had gelezen kreeg ik zin om te scrappen. Sommige uitgaven heb ik zo uit maar deze keer stond er genoeg inspiratie in! Ik kwam een vergroting van Thomas en Tim, samen op de fiets, tegen. Een erg slechte foto eigenlijk maar ik vond hem zoooo leuk! En een foto hoeft niet altijd perfect te zijn om gescrapt te worden. In dit geval ging het om het moment!

After reading the CK I wanted to scrap and I ran into this picture. A very bad picture in fact but I love it anyway. A picture doesn't need to be perfect to get "scrap-qualifications". In this case I enjoyed the moment of fun that my boys had when they were riding the bike together. The journaling says: I know this is a bad picture. Out of focus and Thomas is green! But all I see is how much fun you 2 had, riding the bike together!!

Toch wel lekker om de week met een vrije paasmaandag te beginnen want mijn werkweek zit er al op. Vanaf volgende week is het weer een gekkenhuis op het werk. Eerst maar eens van het weekend gaan genieten! Fijn weekend!!

Starting the week with an extra day off because of Easter was a good start. I only had to work 2 days ;). Next week will be very busy at work but first I'll enjoy the coming weekend! Have a nice weekend!!

dinsdag 25 maart 2008

Pasen en een nieuwe lo

Als we nou paaseieren in de kerstboom gaan hangen zouden we dan eindelijk een keer een witte kerst krijgen??!! If we decorate the Christmas-tree with Easter-eggs we might finally have a white Christmas??!!

Deze foto heb ik vorig jaar tijdens een weekendje Maasticht gemaakt. In mijn ogen is de Kever nog steeds een prachtig voorbeeld van top-design! I took this picture last year in Maastricht. I think this VW is still a beautiful example of top-design!

vrijdag 21 maart 2008


This is my take on the word FIND of the OLW challenge. I'm really happy how this turned out.

donderdag 20 maart 2008

April kit Scrap-Club

Everytime I'm so happy when the kit from Scrap-Club arrives. Each month I consider it as a gift. This time spring is in the air with fresh colors.

Okay this layout is about a funny story. The journaling in Dutch says: Sinterklaas is absoluut mijn favoriete feest. Ik hou van de geheimzinnigheid, de verlanglijstjes, de gedichten en surprises, de intocht, de schoen zetten en alle tradities die bij dit feest horen. De waarheid vertellen over Sinterklaas heb ik zo lang mogelijk uitgesteld… Vlak voor Pasen was het dan toch echt zover. Gelukkig was je niet erg teleurgesteld maar meer vereerd dat je nu bij de “club” hoort die ervoor zorgt dat we dit oer-Hollandse feest kunnen blijven vieren. Dat je goedgelovig bent bleek wel met Pasen toen we met z’n allen in het bos waren om eieren te zoeken. Opeens kreeg je in de gaten dat je eigen moeder de paaseieren aan het verstoppen was. Met grote ogen keek je mij aan en vroeg: Bestaat de paashaas dan ook niet??I'll try to translate: I absolutely love Sinterklaas (our Santa Claus) and all the traditions that belong to this special celebration. Therefore I waited as long as possible to tell Tim the truth about Sinterklaas. When I finally did it was almost Easter and then I found out that he has been a true believer: as we where in the forest Tim noticed that his own mother was hiding the Easter eggs. He looked at me, with his big blue eyes, and said: The Easter bunny is also not real?

LOL!I printed the picture twice: a B&W and a color print. I used paintdabbers to cover the background (after Corinne Delis' workshop I'm not afraid of paintdabbers anymore, ha,ha)

I handcutted the part of Tims hand holding the Easter bunny and used foamtape to let it stand out more. I also used a little bit of paint on that gorgeous Hambly. And I adore that blue dotted background paper!!

This is my take on the April sketch. I don't know how to translate the title but if you look at the picture I think you'll understand. My nephew Steven was so sweet. When his baby brother Thijs lost his dummy (speentje) he let him use his dumb instead!
I used my terra cotta paint dabber for the butterfly, the button and the phototurns. And of course I gave this lo to my sister-in-law Jettie as she celebrates her birthday on the same day as Thomas.

I made these pictures last summer in the garden of our vacation home and I absolutely loved this view. That color ochre and those old barns where the swallows made their nests. I even tried (100 times) to make a picture of a swallow flying into the barn and in fact the swallow is on the lower picture.... I know it is....
I distressed the papers, used white chalk on the layers of the yellow pp and the cardstock and a aquarel pencil for some yellow accents on the background paper.

That little ladybird is too cute! So glad that Hidde in Thomas' group at school got a brand new baby brother this week ;)

I made this gift box (still empty....)with this inspiring new kit. Don't you love the butterfly! The letters are thickers from the December kit which I painted.

Easter weekend will be quiet over here as the boys are not home until Sunday evening. Therefore I didn't do much decorating.... but I made some nice tablepieces with chickens. Did I already tell that I love chickens. I don't know why but I really do!
But I hope I can decorate my front garden again this Easter. We've got new pavement, the boys are working on it right now (and OMG that noise, can I have some ear-protectors please????!!!)
Happy easter to you!! Hugs Petra

woensdag 19 maart 2008

Published and new kit

Yesterday I saw my layout in Scrap! magazine. So cool, so cool!!
And I finished my work with the inspiring new April kit from Scrap-Club! You can see the work of the design team in the gallery. I'll upload my layouts and other stuff tomorrow, together with some details but I still have to do some ironing... and it's already 10.40 pm.....
TFL!! Petra

maandag 17 maart 2008

Happy Birthday

We vieren al 3 dagen feest maar vandaag ben je echt 9 jaar geworden: happy birthday Thomas!

dinsdag 11 maart 2008

Scrap-a-licious workshop

I had such a wonderful Sunday at the Scrap-a-licious weekend. It was so nice to meet Astrid, Monique, Nili, Danielle and other scrappers! The workshops from Céline and Corinne were absolutely great and so inspiring.

When I came home I explained Thomas the technique that Céline learned us with the crayons. He was so enthusiast that he wanted to try it too :)

And I finished Célines "vintage meets freestyle" babyalbum the same evening as I was still so inspired. All the left pages are created by using paint, stamps and crayons.

vrijdag 7 maart 2008


Dit kleine mannetje op de foto is al bijna 12! Ik vond deze foto vorige week en moest hem scrappen. Ik kan mij vooral nog goed herinneren dat ik zijn haren in die tijd niet durfde te knippen (vandaar die gekke lok, haha).

De foto heb ik op een bladzijde uit een oud boek geplakt en vervolgens op een kaft van een boek. Vanwege het gewicht heb ik alles geniet en met dubbelzijdig tape vastgeplakt.

This little man is almost 12 now! I found this picture and just had to scrap it. What I remember most is that I didn´t dare to cut his hair in those days. (That explains the strange lock of hair, haha).
The picure is placed on a page of an old book and after that on the cover of a book. I used staples and doublesided tape because this bookcover is a bit heavy.